Christian Bloggers International

21 Tips for Overcoming Procrastination

If you keep Putting Things Off, you will never achieve your dreams.

These 21 Tips will help you overcome that dilemma.


 You will get More Done!           You’ll Reach Your Goals!

 You’ll Learn Things Like:


Even if you plan to procrastinate, get started..That will motivate you to continue.


Procrastination is the enemy of excellence. It will keep you from polishing what you are doing.


Most people overestimate what they can get done in a certain amount of time. Prioritize your daily list to three important things you want to get done. You’ll be surprised how this helps you to get more done!


 These and More Tips Can Help You Get Started and Get More Done!

What’s In this Tip Sheet?


> 21 Positive Ideas to


> Help You Overcome that Almost Universal Problem of “Putting Things Off”


> Yours as a Gift from Christian Bloggers International

  Hurry!! For a Limited Time This Tip Sheet is FREE

Meet Suellen

Head Writer