Mac’s Tire Store in Tupelo, Mississippi is one of my all-time favorite businesses.
Anyone who knows me well would think that is strange, and frankly, I do too. I am not a “car person,” and hanging out at any automobile facility would be low on my list of things to do. Yet I love Mac’s.
Mac’s Tire Store was a place I could count on for honesty, quick service, and great value. When I drove into Mac’s, I knew that they were not going to take advantage of me. There were a couple of times when I thought I had a bad tire, but the problem was actually something else. Mac’s employees were honest enough to guide me correctly, and to give me great value on their work.
As a result, Mac’s was also one of the most successful businesses around.
Through those experiences, I learned something very important. Whether you have a ministry or a secular business, trust from your constituents is essential for your success. In fact, trust can go along way toward guaranteeing your success.
In this post we have included a checklist of sorts. 10 tips for building trust with others will give you ideas for improvement, but also will be helpful in assessing your trust level at any given moment. As you go through the tips, think about how people view you now. You might want to take notes on action steps you would like to take in order to improve.
- Keep your word and follow through with your actions. You have probably heard the adage. Say what you mean and mean what you say. This is number one in developing trust. How many times have you heard promises from politicians , business people, or even family members which were never fulfilled? When this happens, you learn to trust them less. You don’t want that happening to you.
2. Take time before making decisions and think before acting too quickly.
This is akin to the first tip. People who are too hasty in decisions or actions often find that they can’t follow through on what they had planned. Thus it’s hard for others to rely on their decisions.
3. Always be honest.
There will be times when you make mistakes in judgment, and have to change course. When doing this, if you will be honest and admit the error, people will appreciate your honesty. People who always try to cover up their mistakes tend to lose respect over time.
4. It takes time to earn and build trust. When you apply your principles daily, the trust will follow.
The character you display during your daily activities will add up over time. Either for the good or the bad. When you are conscious of applying your good habits, you will reap the reward in due time.
5. Learn how to communicate effectively with others.
Misunderstandings often arise because of lack of communication. Don’t assume that others know what you are thinking and why you are taking certain actions. Communicate, explain, and answer questions. You will be showing respect to others involved.
6. Value those relationships you have and don’t take them for granted.
Whether you are dealing with family or business associates, they need to feel valued. When you respect their ideas and desires, you develop a rapport which includes trust. When people know that you honor them, they trust you more.
7. Treat your customers well.
When you treat your customers well, they know that they are important to you. Make sure that they receive great care, and always thank them for there business. Such treatment goes a long way in establishing yourself as someone they can count on.
8. Develop your team skills.
When your employees or family members see themselves as part of your team, you have gained their trust. Rather than seeing yourself as the only important one, recognize that you need your team to accomplish your goals. To be successful you need them, and they should be made aware of that.
9. Don’t always self-promote.
There is nothing more demoralizing to workers or constituents to feel that they are being used for your benefit. Be sure that you truly understand and value others in a significant way. Try to meet the needs of others, and yours will be met also.
10. Try always to do the right thing.
This one is a toughie for sure. It’s often not easy to do the right thing. To do that you must make costly choices, but in the long run this is worth it. Returning money for an item which you know is not defective. Giving above and beyond in time and attention. Or when you’ve made a hard promise, keeping it, even if it is inconvenient or costly.
While the above tips are all relatively easy to use, putting them into play may be difficult. It takes thought and persistence to develop new habits. Sometimes these tips can take you out of your comfort zone.
Be patient with yourself and with others. When you are doing the right thing, time is on your side.
If you will attempt to grow in these qualities, you will eventually reap the fruit of your labor.
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