

Celebrate Yourself!

Learn to Celebrate You! Psalm 139:13-14 You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Acts17:25-26   He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from...

God Promised It, and It Happened

From the time of the fall of man, God’s plan for bringing a Savior to mankind was promised. Remember in the last post, He said Woman’s seed shall crush the head of Satan, and Satan shall bruise his heel. That was speaking of Jesus being bruised by the crucifixion, and...

Jesus Is the Reason

We know that Dec 25 isn’t really the day that Jesus was born, but we celebrate it then anyway.  And that’s ok. Yet there are many people who celebrate Christmas without any knowledge of the significance of Jesus. They just love the holidays, the gift giving, and...
Celebrate Yourself!

Celebrate Yourself!

Learn to Celebrate You! Psalm 139:13-14 You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Acts17:25-26   He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from...

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God Promised It, and It Happened

God Promised It, and It Happened

From the time of the fall of man, God’s plan for bringing a Savior to mankind was promised. Remember in the last post, He said Woman’s seed shall crush the head of Satan, and Satan shall bruise his heel. That was speaking of Jesus being bruised by the crucifixion, and...

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Jesus Is the Reason

Jesus Is the Reason

We know that Dec 25 isn’t really the day that Jesus was born, but we celebrate it then anyway.  And that’s ok. Yet there are many people who celebrate Christmas without any knowledge of the significance of Jesus. They just love the holidays, the gift giving, and...

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Let It Be More Than Turkey and Football

Let It Be More Than Turkey and Football

Most of us in the United States – and the West - have seen many depictions of the first Thanksgiving celebration in Plymouth, Massachusetts.   Some were accurate; others weren’t. Yet two elements were almost always present. One: it was a celebration of...

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Let God Clear Your Focus

Let God Clear Your Focus

The year was 1985 and our family was visiting my parents on the southeastern coast of Georgia. As my husband and I drove over the causeway to Sea Island, we were overwhelmed with the beauty - the incredible expanse of marsh grass, the huge Live Oaks dripping with...

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What Is God Doing Now?

What Is God Doing Now?

What is God Doing Now? Even a brief glimpse of church history reveals something special. Change has always been the norm. The Bible calls it “Times and Seasons.” Throughout history, God our Father has moved forward in His big plan. You can easily see that in the...

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All Hands On Deck!!

All Hands On Deck!!

Are you ready to hit the deck? If you put your ear to the ground, you will find many Christians crying out: All hands on deck! That’s actually what I heard the Lord speak to me several years ago. And it’s even more needed today. Think for a minute about a navy ship at...

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