Today, more and more people use cell phones and mobile devices as second computers even though mobile phones aren’t yet considered computers and have limitations. Your potential followers likely do a lot more on their mobile device than play games. They read books, surf the web, read blogs, and even make purchases. By making sure your site is mobile friendly you can create one more way for potential clients to connect with you.
In order to have a mobile content friendly website, you will need to either make a separate page for mobile users or make sure your page is mobile friendly. The thinner image on mobile devices is a factor that you need to consider. (Ordinary websites look very odd on those devices, and are extremely hard to read).
With a little understanding of this technology, you can have your information read while people are on the go – quite a plus for your success.
The following are a few tips you might want to use:
Reconsider entry pages — Get right to the important content by a list of menu items right on the “front page.” Or you could make your front page the content leader.
Consider the real-estate — Think in terms of how much space is on a mobile device and make your content more ‘friendly to the device. Short drop down menus may be more useful than really long menus or other types of menu options.
Find out which devices your visitors use — There are many different mobile devices on the market, you may not be able to appeal to them all. Some mobile devices are better than others at video for instance, and some are better with text. Survey your customers to determine what type of mobile devices are used most often by your target market.
If you create a mobile friendly website or blog you will open up a totally new way to market your messages or products to your potential audience. You have the option of sending alerts to Facebook and Twitter so that your new posts may be read immediately.
The next few articles will be aimed at sharpening your skills for mobile friendly content.
However you do it, it’s time to add mobile content marketing to your overall marketing strategy.