Dear Church and Marketplace Leaders,


We appreciate you!!

Hebrews 4:10 (NASB) For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward  His name, in having ministered and still ministering to the saints.

A little about us…We’ve been in ministry for about 40 years.

We founded a church in our home  in a small town, and saw it through two moves to finally wind up in an old theater building. (It seemed we were constantly in a building program).

Numbers of people got born again and filled with His Spirit.

Some grew a little and then gave up.

Some never tried to grow and fell back.

Then there were those who stuck with God and grew to be ministers themselves.

There Are Many Challenges in Ministry

We know what it is like to have people draw back – people you have poured your life into. And we know the joy of having people surprise you with their growth.

There are indeed great challenges in the ministry.

But it is the greatest life you can lead when you are called of God to do it.

The Holy Spirit impressed upon us to establish the Soar Network as a blessing to church leaders and marketplace ministers. We want to help you address the issues you face.

Our Mission is to Small and Medium Sized Churches and

to Marketplace Leaders

Most churches (7 out of 10) have fewer than 100 people in their congregations. (The average is 65). So that means less money and less staff.

What are the main needs of  these leaders?

      More Time   More Resources   Encouragement    Connections

    We want to Save You Time

    • Bible Studies and Articles you can edit and claim as your own. Your church or ministry logo may be added.
    • Staff training material to train your staff for excellence.
    • Graphics for Social Media for outreach and connecting.

    And Coming Soon…

    • Webinar Course on how to write, design, and publish your book -from start to finish.
    • Webinar Courses on impacting your world through digital engagement.
    • Webinar courses on many aspects of ministry – both practical and spiritual.

    We want to Encourage you

    We Want to Connect with You.

    Many prophetic words have spoken of a great revival ahead. In fact, there are signs that it has started.

    We plan to be ready for it and we hope you join us.

    Blessings and Keep on Soaring!

    Mickey and Suellen Estes